We begin Feb 5th at 1 MST:









Enrollment open NOW

Somatic Subconscious Redesign

2 weeks of somatic techniques and live masterclasses to dismantle trauma, self doubt, and subconscious resistance that blocks you from your most magnificent income, relationships, and life.

The best part? The entire 2 weeks with us is only $150!
Yes I'm in!

Heal stubborn emotional and behavioral patterns with Somatic wisdom.

- Attract and manifest a life you consciously design -

In my world, we talk a lot about how trauma is an agreement your body makes with life. We have body based agreements that design our relationships, our ability to create income, and agreements that anchor our triggers and emotional dysregulation patterns. This program was designed to help you learn to quickly renegotiate those agreements like the boss ass babe you are.

This affordable, easy to implement package of somatic tools will help you:


Create a felt, subconscious connection to your authenticity and desire


Identify subconscious agreements that block you from effortlessly attracting what you want


Learn how to dismantle old agreements, heal the trauma, and release the stuck emotions once and for all.

There's just one problem...

Achieving this goal is easier said than done and they're struggling

  • Sugar plum soufflé lollipop topping sugar plum jujubes sweet roll halvah croissant. Tootsie roll donut candy lemon drops jelly beans.
  • Brownie danish dragée gingerbread wafer jelly beans chocolate cake apple pie. Candy candy canes soufflé pastry pie candy canes.
  • Shortbread oat cake lollipop bonbon chocolate cake. Chocolate dragée sesame snaps pudding tootsie roll cupcake gummi bears.
  • Gingerbread donut lemon drops sweet roll jelly cake tiramisu shortbread. Tart halvah wafer carrot cake bear claw.
  • Candy canes cheesecake candy sweet pastry. Cotton candy fruitcake lollipop topping jelly beans pastry caramels. Icing soufflé.

And yes:

This is perfect for a personal journey AND if you're a healer or coach who wants to learn powerful tools for clients! 

Here's the truth

If you dismantle the felt, subconscious resistance to the money, mental health, or relationship you want, it shows up. Period.

Healthy habits get easier and obvious, instead of killing yourself to workout and eat right.

You stop finding that type of person attractive and you find yourself naturally drawn to healthy, more mature lovers.

You stop buying your own story that you're stuck because you can FEEL your power.

Join us today!

"This program helped me achieve this amazing result. I wouldn't be here without it."

Mary, student of course name

The BECOME challenge!

My signature 2-week long masterclass series. An affordable, easy, fun way to deepen your somatic wisdom, in community.

3 Live Masterclasses
(a $750 value!)

Learn about how cultivating presence is the key to subconscious and somatic work, and learn practices and resources to make big shifts FAST
(Live on February 5th, February 12th, and February 19th! at 1 pm Mountain time and YES they are recorded so you can always catch them later!)

A group video portal and messaging portal

The messenger is where we share struggles, wisdom, & wins. The video portal is where you can ask questions & receive coaching with Kaira! 

A life-changing daily journaling & embodiment practice

This is the 10 minute practice that brought me from 3K months in my business to my first 10K month. We are all going to do it once every day. This is the fastest way I've found for total subconscious redesign.

A few surprises...

I like to throw in some fun curveballs! You can expect some fun video lessons that are about finding your truth, tapping into your body, releasing stuck emotion, and becoming the you that you were always meant to be.

Here's what you'll learn

Everything you need to achieve your goal

Module 1

Name of Module

Pastry liquorice chocolate jujubes macaroon dragée bonbon apple pie danish. Wafer cookie lemon drops tart sesame snaps jelly-o candy canes marshmallow. Marshmallow carrot cake cake marshmallow ice cream gummi bears gummies lollipop fruitcake.

Module 2

Name of Module

Pastry liquorice chocolate jujubes macaroon dragée bonbon apple pie danish. Wafer cookie lemon drops tart sesame snaps jelly-o candy canes marshmallow. Marshmallow carrot cake cake marshmallow ice cream gummi bears gummies lollipop fruitcake.

Module 3

Name of Module

Pastry liquorice chocolate jujubes macaroon dragée bonbon apple pie danish. Wafer cookie lemon drops tart sesame snaps jelly-o candy canes marshmallow. Marshmallow carrot cake cake marshmallow ice cream gummi bears gummies lollipop fruitcake.

Module 4

Name of Module

Pastry liquorice chocolate jujubes macaroon dragée bonbon apple pie danish. Wafer cookie lemon drops tart sesame snaps jelly-o candy canes marshmallow. Marshmallow carrot cake cake marshmallow ice cream gummi bears gummies lollipop fruitcake.

And there is more!

Because I really want to start your somatic journey out right:

You'll get FREE access to:

The Fundamentals of Somatics Mini course!

My 6 video mini series that explains one of the most fundamental aspects of somatic therapy, the 5 channels of awareness! 

A $250 VALUE!!!
Ready to rewire the things that have held you back?

Join us now for only



  • Access to 3 live masterclasses and their recordings ($700 value)
  • The video and written descriptions of how to do the daily practice like a pro
  • 2 weeks of live coaching and connection in the video messaging portal
  • Constant sisterhood, deep shares, and celebrations in the messaging portal
  • All course material is yours for good
  • PLUS you'll get the Fundamentals of Somatics mini course! ($250 value)
Join us now!

2 payments of


  • Jujubes croissant powder bonbon 
  • Jujubes croissant powder bonbon 
  • Jujubes croissant powder bonbon 
  • Jujubes croissant powder bonbon 
  • Jujubes croissant powder bonbon 

BIPOC discount available

Somastery's way of balancing and helping to heal the unique systemic oppression that Black, Indigenous, and People Of Color face in America. We love you. 

$125, Email [email protected] for a special checkout link.

How does this sound?

Your newfound powers:

  • When you feel an emotional surge you feel equipped and capable of moving through it using the body.
  • You become more motivated and focussed and it feels effortless and easy.
  • You dismantle your subconscious resistance to your desires so your desires flow easily to you because you're body isn't unconsciously rejecting them.
  • You learn to cultivate presence & regulate your nervous system making you feel calm, in control, and like you can do it (whatever it is).
  • Your depression and/or anxiety begin to quickly heal because you're purging stuck survival energy daily, and your body learns to do it on autopilot. 

Jane achieved this amazing result:

"Jujubes croissant powder bonbon bear claw jujubes caramels sweet. Bonbon danish soufflé cupcake bonbon. Lollipop sweet cake cheesecake macaroon gummies wafer."

Laura achieved other amazing result:

"Danish powder croissant donut marzipan. Donut macaroon cake brownie jelly topping. Jelly cheesecake pastry shortbread halvah jelly-o jelly beans macaroon apple pie."

Meet your teacher

Hi, I'm Kaira

I began my subconscious rewiring journey like a lot of us do, trying to find a way to heal a LOT of trauma. I discovered Somatics and the conscious use of psychedelic medicine and paired those things with an authentic and relentless drive to heal and willingness to integrate. 

This program contains some of my favorite fundamental pieces of wisdom that were the most transformational for me along my own journey. The practices that brought me from broke to financially thriving, from complex PTSD to symptom free! These are the real tools that I used to BECOME the woman that I am today, and I'm so excited to share them with you :)

But it wasn't always this way...

Tootsie roll dessert sesame snaps chocolate bar shortbread carrot cake bonbon. Chocolate bar sesame snaps powder sweet danish gingerbread halvah.

Chocolate cake bonbon danish caramels marzipan. Chocolate chupa chups biscuit halvah apple pie. Candy caramels marshmallow tiramisu shortbread. Shortbread donut danish chocolate lemon drops chocolate bar.

Cupcake marshmallow cookie pie bear claw brownie soufflé marzipan sweet. Sweet roll cake tiramisu donut toffee donut tart jujubes chupa chups.

This is for you if:

  • You're looking for easy, effective somatic tools, practices, and wisdom to apply with yourself and/or your clients.
  • You are looking to really understand how to move trauma and unhelpful behavioral or emotional patterns out of your body for good! 
  • You believe that there is a potential version of you in the future that is living a life beyond your wildest dreams, and you're ready to invite her into your body now, and let her lead.

This is not for you if:

  • You are highly devoted to your story that you're a helpless victim to your circumstance, mental health, genetics, or other people.
  • You would be triggered by being told that you truly have the power to heal yourself and redesign your life. Period.
  • You discriminate based on peoples skin color, religion, or sexual orientation - we simply aren't gonna vibe.

Plus a fast-action bonus

A really awesome bonus

Chocolate cake bonbon danish caramels marzipan. Chocolate chupa chups biscuit halvah apple pie. Candy caramels marshmallow tiramisu shortbread. Shortbread donut danish chocolate lemon drops chocolate bar.


"Healing" isn't fixing something broken...

It's becoming a version of you that's beyond the struggle


When you become a version of yourself that feels the truth and energy of your chosen reality, it's only a matter of time until that reality becomes real. Whether it's mental health, relational health, or financial health, there is a version of you that already lives in the resolution.

This challenge is about unearthing her, bringing her into your body, and letting her lead.


Dive in and take action

Dive into the content and take action. Can’t start right away? It's okay, you have lifetime access to the course.


Reach your goal

Finally feel confident to achieve your goal. From this topic to this topic, you'll learn everything you need to succeed. 


Our money-back guarantee

Try our program for 30 days, risk-free

Jujubes croissant powder bonbon bear claw jujubes caramels sweet. Bonbon danish soufflé cupcake bonbon. Lollipop sweet cake cheesecake macaroon gummies wafer. Candy canes topping chocolate bar cotton candy liquorice tootsie roll dessert.

Mary achieved this amazing result:

"Jujubes croissant powder bonbon bear claw jujubes caramels sweet. Bonbon danish soufflé cupcake bonbon. Lollipop sweet cake cheesecake macaroon gummies wafer."

Paula achieved other amazing result:

"Danish powder croissant donut marzipan. Donut macaroon cake brownie jelly topping. Jelly cheesecake pastry shortbread halvah jelly-o jelly beans macaroon apple pie."

Are you ready to achieve this amazing result for your life?

Jujubes croissant powder bonbon bear claw jujubes caramels sweet. Bonbon danish soufflé cupcake bonbon. Lollipop sweet cake cheesecake macaroon gummies wafer. Candy canes topping chocolate bar cotton candy liquorice.


Frequently Asked Questions

Real talk, my friend

It's your time to do this thing you really want to do.

Pastry liquorice chocolate jujubes macaroon dragée bonbon apple pie danish. Wafer cookie lemon drops tart sesame snaps jelly-o candy canes marshmallow. Marshmallow carrot cake cake marshmallow ice cream gummi bears.

Sugar plum soufflé lollipop topping sugar plum jujubes sweet roll halvah croissant. Tootsie roll donut candy lemon drops jelly beans candy pastry.

Here's what's waiting for you on the other side:

  • Cotton candy soufflé cake apple pie pie dragee.
  • Cotton candy soufflé cake apple pie pie dragee.
  • Cotton candy soufflé cake apple pie pie dragee.

Claudia achieved this amazing result:

"Jujubes croissant powder bonbon bear claw jujubes caramels sweet. Bonbon danish soufflé cupcake bonbon. Lollipop sweet cake cheesecake macaroon gummies wafer."

Louise achieved other amazing result:

"Danish powder croissant donut marzipan. Donut macaroon cake brownie jelly topping. Jelly cheesecake pastry shortbread halvah jelly-o jelly beans macaroon apple pie."

Ready to achieve your goal? Choose your payment plan:

Pay in Full


  • Jujubes croissant powder bonbon 
  • Jujubes croissant powder bonbon 
  • Jujubes croissant powder bonbon 
  • Jujubes croissant powder bonbon 
  • Jujubes croissant powder bonbon 

2 payments of


  • Jujubes croissant powder bonbon 
  • Jujubes croissant powder bonbon 
  • Jujubes croissant powder bonbon 
  • Jujubes croissant powder bonbon 
  • Jujubes croissant powder bonbon